Capital Gains Tax planning for property (2020/21)

From 6 April 2020, HMRC is proposing three significant changes which will potentially increase the capital gains tax paid on the disposal of any residential property by an individual.

These changes seek to raise extra revenue from the disposal of residential properties and to collect these taxes more quickly.

For many of the 1.2 million residential property disposals each year, there will be no liability having been occupied throughout the period of ownership as the owner’s main residence.

If, however, you have a property which was once your main residence and you either let it out or have retained it for other reasons, these changes will affect you.

This free guide is designed to outline the main changes and implications, however proper planning will help to mitigate (but not eliminate) the potential additional tax cost. Please do contact us before you decide to act.

Download our guide to Capital Gains Tax planning for property